We understand that visiting a church can be a pretty intimidating experience. Below are some ideas of what you can expect when you visit Grace Baptist.
What to Expect
At Grace Baptist Church you will find a group of loving people. We are from different places, of different ages, with different incomes and levels of education. Some members have been Christians for decades, while others are new believers. We’re also regularly joined by those who are not Christians but are interested in learning more about Jesus.
You will find a wide variety of clothing being worn at GBC on any given Sunday. Though some may dress casually, our attitudes are reverent as we worship God.
Parking & Drop Off
The best place to park for families with children is the lower parking lot accessible from Franklin Street, as our nursery is located on the first floor of the educational building. If you don't have children, consider using our upper parking lot accessible from East Jones Street, which is closest to our sanctuary.
Breakfast in the Basement
At 10:00am we gather in the Fellowship Hall (entered from the lower parking lot) and drink freshly brewed coffee, eat breakfast treats, and fellowship as a family. It’s a time to catch up with one another, share in each other’s lives, and an opportunity to meet with our pastors and ask any questions about church life or the sermon series.
Sunday Worship
Our worship service begins at 10:45am on Sundays in the sanctuary. We pray, read Scripture, hear the Word proclaimed, and sing joyfully. We try to sing both old and new songs that proclaim the greatness of our God. We preach through books of the Bible, showing how Scripture points to Christ and applies to our lives. If you are visiting with us, don’t worry, we won’t ask you to stand up or raise your hand. The service lasts approximately an hour and fifteen minutes.
Families with Young Children
We love having whole families in service and do not mind a loud child in the worship gathering. If you feel the need for the children to be in another space during the worship gathering, we have an overflow room that is set up for children and families that has the service streamed to a TV in the room.
Grace Baptist Church
500 E Jones Avenue
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Sundays - 10:00AM breakfast
10:45AM worship
Wednesdays - 6:00PM